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Your Financial Aid at UNC

Planning for college is an exciting journey, and understanding your financial aid is an important step in preparing for your future at UNC. Here, you'll find key information about your financial aid, including award descriptions, rights and responsibilities, how to maintain your aid, annual cost of attendance, and how and when you'll be notified about your financial aid. 

Your preliminary aid offer gives you an early estimate of the types and amounts of financial aid you may be eligible for at UNC. These estimates are provided to help you plan, but they are not final. Preliminary offers are for viewing and planning purposes only - offers cannot be accepted or declined until official offers are posted in the Spring. 

Official Aid Offer Notifications

The Office of Financial Aid will post your official aid offer online in Ursa. This aid offer will detail the amounts and types of financial aid you are eligible for. All offers are based upon full-time attendance at UNC for undergraduate students and part-time for graduate students.

Once official offers are available, students are strongly encouraged to review and accept their aid as soon as possible to ensure their financial aid is ready before classes begin in August. Accepting aid early helps avoid delays in processing and ensures funds are available when needed. 

To help you navigate the financial aid process, we encourage you to explore additional resources, including the step-by-step guide and tools designed to help you plan for college. You can also watch our video to learn what to expect when your official award becomes available. 

Video: Receiving your official financial offer

Step-by-Step Guide to Receiving your Financial Aid


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Review the Guide to Awards

Visit Plan, Prepare and Succeed to access tools and resources to help you understand college costs, create a budget, and make informed financial decisions about your aid offer at the University of Northern Colorado for the upcoming academic year. 

You may need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Review Student Budgets

Explore the Student Budgets for your academic year and level to better your estimated cost. 

NOTE: The 2025-2026 Student Budgets will be posted in June after final approval by the UNC Board of Trustees.


Review Standards of Academic Progress

Please print and read the Standards of Academic Progress for your financial aid award offer. 


Review and Accept  Official Aid Offer

When notified, you will use Ursa to accept your official financial aid offer. 

Accepting, Reviewing or Declining Your Aid:
1. Log in to Ursa at ursa.trhcn.com.
2. Select "Financial" tab and click "View/Accept Award Offer".
a. Select "Select Award Year" drop-down menu at the top right of the page to select year.
3. Your financial aid offer is available below the "Cost of Attendance on the Award Offer".
4. "Take Action" column and pick from the "Select" drop-down menu to accept, decline or modify.
5. If you choose to modify, you may have the option to accept both or one of the terms, as well as change the amount to a lesser value.
6. Once you have accepted, declined or modified your aid, confirm your selection by clicking either the "Submit" or "Confirm" button at the bottom.
7. Click the "Home" tab. Any outstanding requirements will be listed on this tab. Outstanding requirements will need to be completed prior to aid paying out.

If you are a new borrower and accept a loan, don't forget to do Entrance Counseling and complete an Master Promissory Note (MPN).


Good to go!

Nice work! Almost done...
Students who are going to accept and take out student and\or parent loans will have more to do.

Student and Parent Loan information for next steps.

Be sure to reach out to a financial aid counselor as soon as possible with any questions.

If you have difficulty accessing Ursa, please contact the Technical Support Center at 970-351-4357.

How Financial Aid is Offered

The Office of Financial Aid provides financial aid offers to eligible students that typically consist of a combination of scholarships, grants, work study and loan assistance. Offer amounts vary for each program depending on financial need and the eligibility of the student. Students who apply by June 1 receive priority consideration based on available funding and demonstrated need. 

Our awarding process is designed to ensure the effective distribution of financial aid funds while maintaining fair and equitable treatment for all applicants. 

Financial Aid and Disability Accommodations

If you have a documented disability and believe it may impact your ability to take full-time coursework, you should notify the Office of Financial Aid prior to awarding. The Office of Financial Aid will work with you and Disability Resource Center to determine if your disability documentation warrants a financial aid offer that reflects less than full-time attendance.

For questions regarding disability services and eligibility, contact Disability Resource Center by phone at 970-351-2289 or reach out via email to Disability and Support Services.